Dr. Sian Williams is an HCPC-registered Counselling Psychologist and a Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS).
She has many hundreds of hours of experience with families, couples, teens and individuals, helping them manage conditions like stress, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, psychosis, self-harm and suicidality.
Sian currently works at the Centre for Anxiety, Stress and Trauma in the NHS, primarily delivering one-to-one therapy to individuals with acute trauma symptoms. She has also worked for the NHS in the psycho-oncology department of a large London teaching hospital, supporting patients with acute cancer conditions and was an associate at King’s College, London helping students manage their mental health.
Her book, ‘Rise: a first aid kit for getting through tough times’ was critically acclaimed and her research on positive growth and recovery has been peer-reviewed and published in academic journals.
Sian has also delivered trauma-informed and resilience talks and workshops to: The Guardian, BBC Studios, ITV, ITN, C5, Amnesty International, the Environmental Investigations Agency, KPMG, March on Stress, Children in Need, King’s College, the British Psychological Society and Action for Happiness.
What clients say:
“I cannot express how grateful I am for all our sessions together, thank you so, so much. You have helped me through so much.” C, 21, student
“Thank you for taking the time to understand and guide me through these six months, the sessions have been incredibly helpful, and I could not thank you enough.” J, 21, student
“I have been trying to find the best words to express my gratitude for our time together. I feel like you really helped me take the next step in my self-discovery and although I am still struggling to confidently express my opinions, you have given me some mechanisms to try to empower myself with.” K, 28, student
“My wonderful therapist Sian opened up my concerns and worries and I always felt thoroughly supported.” J, 45, living with cancer
“This was a real lifeline for me. I am immensely grateful for this support. It’s helped me a great deal.” JD, 54, in remission
“Thank you very much for your time working with me… I really found all our sessions helpful and enlightening!” MTP, 49, in remission
Comments from attendees of resilience workshops hosted by Sian for BBC/ITN/ITV News:
“Thank you so much for hosting the session – it was invaluable.”
“Thank you so much for talking to the group. It was such a timely conversation yet one that needs to happen more often – with time and space for people to digest and think. You chaired it brilliantly.”
“This is so helpful – can we please get a regular dose of Sian Williams?”
“I found the presentation so helpful and insightful on so many levels – personal and professional.”
“I can tell from the chat box so many others found it so useful as well.”
“Thank you so much for a really interesting session… there was a lot in there that resonated.”
Peer-reviewed papers: Williams & Cartwright (2021) Posttraumatic stress, posttraumatic growth and personal risk in British Journalists: European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Williams, Clarke & Edginton (2022). Mindfulness for the self-management of negative coping, rumination and fears of compassion in people with cancer: an exploratory study
Book: ‘Rise: Surviving and Thriving After Trauma’, June 2016.
To read more articles by Sian about psychology, see the Latest section on the Home Page or Writer section on this website.
Talks By Sian: visit the Upcoming Events page for details of Sian’s latest talks and appearances.
If you would like to discuss Sian’s availability for a talk on mental health, psychology, counselling or any other relevant subject, please get in touch.