Media and Reviews


Book Latest News Media and Reviews

Rise paperback available soon

The paperback edition of my first book, Rise: Surviving and Thriving After Trauma, will be available in the shops and online from 29 December 2016. You can pre-order it from Amazon now for only £8.99. Rise is a first-aid…

Book Media and Reviews

The Science of Resilience airs on BBC Radio 4

This radio documentary explores the science of resilience, based on my MSc research into post-traumatic growth and personal experience of breast cancer. In it I speak to leading academics researching this subject, such Dr Michael Pluess from Queen Mary…

Book Media and Reviews

Hello magazine interview

This week’s issue of Hello includes an interview with me about my breast cancer and book, Rise. In it I explain how talking to other people who had survived traumas, such as a mother who lost her daughter in…