This article was first published on: 08/07/2013
PRESENTER Sian, 48, lives in London with her husband, TV producer Paul Woolwich. She has four children, Joss, 21, Alex, 19, Seth, six, and Eve, four.
Not a lot of people know this but I’m very good at… whistling. My father told me a girl needed a skill, and that was mine. I have no idea why!
My best friend is… my husband. He’s so supportive but he’s also more of a risk taker than I am, and he challenges me to think differently.
My nickname is… Stan, from people who can’t say Sian.
The bravest thing I’ve ever done is… walk over red-hot coals for The Magicians on TV. They didn’t give me any warning and I had no idea what was going to happen. I just had to trust them.
My favourite TV show is… Borgen for its fabulous, clever, feisty heroine. My perfect evening is… having a glass of wine and no work the next morning.
I’d like to say sorry to… anyone I’ve hurt. It’s never intentional but sometimes it happens.
My first kiss was with… a boy called Simon Lloyd while playing sardines in the airing cupboard. My biggest regret is… saying no too often and worrying too much. I am a constant worrier – I can’t help it.
The one thing I’d change about myself is… I’d like to be less self-critical. As a journalist, you are taught to be critical, so maybe that’s why I do it.
The best thing my parents taught me was… kindness. My mum was an intensive-care nurse for 40 years and she was the kindest person I ever met. We talk about busy lives today, but she raised three children and worked full time. She is my heroine and she taught me that above everything else, you should be kind.
The last time I cried was… watching Attraction perform on Britain’s Got Talent, because it reminded me of my mother’s death. I was in bits, my husband was in bits and the kids were wondering what the matter was.
The first record I ever bought was… Golden Brown by The Stranglers.
It’s not good for my image but I like… anything presented by Ant and Dec. I’ve met them and they are genuinely lovely, funny, likeable and incredibly professional. They’re my guilty pleasure.
My greatest weakness is… it’s a tie between dark chocolate and red wine.
If I could pass any law I would… impose good manners. I sound like my granny when I say “manners cost nothing” but it’s so sad when people don’t bother. The other day I actually caught myself telling someone, “What do you say?” after they hadn’t said thank you.
I drive… very rarely.
The shop I can’t walk past is… yet to be opened. I can happily walk past any shop. The most expensive thing I’ve ever splashed out on is… a leather coat that got ruined on its first outing.
My perfect Sunday is… running, swimming with the kids, big lunch, papers, park, TV and then bed.
My favourite place in Britain is… the Pembrokeshire coast.
My last holiday was… on the Amalfi coast in Italy. We normally stay in Dorset for half term, but this year we went to Italy and it was absolutely gorgeous. I’m currently reading… books for a psychology degree. The best day of my life was… knowing that my son Seth was alive after a very difficult birth. I was in emergency surgery for a while and I lost four pints of blood, so I would like to thank whoever it was who donated blood and kept me alive too. This was definitely the best day of my life.
If I had half an hour left on Earth I would… hold all of my children very closely and tell them how much they’re loved.
Sian presents a new consumer series Your Money, Their Tricks on Wednesday at 8pm on BBC1.