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Radio Times – ‘The Best Days of My Life’

After Essex, Yorkshire and London’s East End, the latest in Channel 4’s Educating … documentary series is set in Wales. Joy Ballard – the Head of Willows High School in Cardiff, talks to Sian Williams about why she agreed…


Sunday Telegraph – How to Rewire Your Brain

I’m at the University of Cambridge and I’m having a panic attack. I can’t breathe, my head’s spinning, my heart’s going like the clappers and there’s a psychiatrist standing next to me and she’s the one that’s provoked it. Deliberately.…


Viewpoint: Radio Times Boost Your Brain

What’s it like to lose your mind? Scilla knows. Day by day and bit by frustrating bit, her memory is failing her. She often can’t remember what she’s eaten or whether she’s taken the dog for a walk and…


Older women have it tougher than men on TV, says newsreader

Williams, 51, complained that her male rivals, such as Edwards, 54, were treated differently to women. She said: “I was called ‘veteran’. They don’t call Huw Edwards ‘veteran’. We grew up together at BBC News and he’s a couple…