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Guardian Weekend – Sian Williams: My Family Values

The journalist and television presenter talks about her love of all things Welsh and her mother’s generosity of spirit. My mother, Kathy, was a nurse for 40 years. If there is anything I hope I’ve inherited from her, it would be…


The Radio Times – The People’s Champion

Sian Williams on meeting the Queen, helping BBC staff and her new show Your Money, Their Tricks, my meeting with Sian Williams comes at the end of the most extraordinary week of her career.…


Radio Times – Saturday Live

This article was first published on: 05/05/2012 When Sian Williams turns up at BBC Broadcasting House for this interview, she’s just visited a slightly less dignified London landmark – Topshop. “I needed a new ‘newsreader’ jacket,” she says. Sure enough, cream…


Daily Express – Sian Williams: Life as I know it

This article was first published on: 08/07/2013 PRESENTER Sian, 48, lives in London with her husband, TV producer Paul Woolwich. She has four children, Joss, 21, Alex, 19, Seth, six, and Eve, four. Not a lot of people know…


Runner’s World – I’ll run if it kills me

When she lines up at the start of the London Marathon this weekend, Radio 4’s Saturday Live co-presenter Sian Williams won’t just be facing the challenge of the 26.2-mile course; she’ll be confronting her biggest fear. The last time she ran a marathon,…


The Donor – Now I value every day

This article was first published on: 16/06/2008 Why did you want to tell us your story? Because I know how vital giving blood is. After the birth of my youngest son, Seth, in 2006 I lost two litres of…